Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Merry Holidays!

Wow.  It's been a while.  I keep forgetting to do this.  Hopefully, I'll start doing it regularly again instead of.... You know.  Wow, it's been a year since my last post.

That joke never gets old.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas (Or Hannukah, or Ramadan) and new year.  Now that the holidays are over, it's time to try and get excited about holidays we don't even celebrate just so we have something to look forward to.  Bring on Chinese new year!   新年快乐!

Also, here's an update on the book.  Nothing much has happened since the last post.  But, Live it publishing go back to work later in the week, and that's when the process will begin.  So, things'll get interesting soon.

Finally, I thought i'd make everyone jealous.  For Christmas  my parents very kindly bought me a macbook pro for writing.  So that's cool (I started writing this section and then realized it was kind of pointless, but i'm gonna keep it here) I have to say that if you love to write, or make music, or draw, or anything along those lines, a macbook is the way to go.  They're much better for a PC in these areas.

Well, Thanks for reading.  Keep coming back here for updates on the book.

Stay frosty,


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