Monday, 25 February 2013

Hey, you. Yeah, you. Download this.

I just wanted to make a quick post to show everyone this amazing tool that allows you to raise money with starlight at no extra cost  It's called "give as you live."  Download this tool, and then, when you buy something online, the company you are buying from will donate money to starlight.  It's as simple as that.  If you aren't familiar with starlight's work, they are a charity that devote themselves to granting "wishes" to seriously and terminally ill children.  They give a child a chance to make one wish, and they will do their best to grant it.  If you were not aware, I was recommended for a starlight wish, and I asked for my book to be published.  They successfully found a publisher and granted my wish, and for that i'm eternally grateful.  This charity is doing an amazing thing, and you can help them by downloading give as you live.

Go and download "Give as you live" here ->

Thanks for reading.  I don't know how to end this with something funny.

-Stay frosty, 


Update in a nutshell. A big nutshell.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Nothing significant with the book has happened recently, so I figure, why bore everyone?

Welcome to my big nutshell! That was quite possibly the weirdest thing i've ever written.  Anyway, this post is just to update you on some things.  SPOILER: they're all about my book.

First item: There's an official release date for the book now!  It's set for June the 17th, but it could change soon.  Make sure to write it down! Or, if you have an eidetic memory, just remember it.  Or make a note on your phone.  Or you could-
Sorry.  I'll stop now.

Speaking of the book, I just created the facebook page for "The world."  I'll post news, info about events and other stuff relating to the book there.  If you could like and share it, that'd be great.  The link is below.

By the way, filming the chrissy B show went great.  It was really fun (and also terrifying).  If you want to watch me talking very nervously for 11 minutes, then it will be on on sky channel 203, or "My channel," on March the 11th at 9:30 PM.  If anything changes, i'll tell you.

One more thing:  I'm planning a small short story set before the start of my book, which will sort of set the scene.  I'm not sure what it's going to be yet, but I'm probably going to release it in parts, having it finish the day the book comes out.  It's mainly to give everyone an idea of what's in store in the main book.

Okay, I think that's it.  I'm going to do a book review for "Wonder" By R.J Palacio, which I read ages ago, soon, so read that.

Come back soon for more bloggy goodness.

Stay frosty,
